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Looking for your New Home?

We only sell good quality removal homes.  Most of our purchased homes can be viewed from their original site, we do have some homes stored in our storage yard located at Caboolture, where you can come and inspect them at any time. QHR prefer to move a house from its existing site straight to its new location.  Shifting the house once minimises damages, stress to the building structure and cost, these savings are then passed onto you the client. Our price includes delivery within an 100km radius and stumped lowset (Highset extra). We move homes all over Queensland, Northern New South Wales, and the Redland Bay Islands area. Once you select a house, we can move it to its new destination and prepare it for habitation.

We can also remove and move houses purchased from third parties, provided that they meet our quality standards.

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We Buy and Sell Homes

Whether you’re gearing up to sell your house, move a house form another location, or looking to build from scratch, QHR has the solution for you.

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New Homes

For a brand new home that’s bursting with the latest features and ready to bring you happiness and security for decades to come, Choose the legendary building services of Queensland House Removers. Our fully registered, accredited, and insured team of builders will create and deliver a home perfect for your budget, lot size, and lifestyle.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1476132063067{padding-top: 40px !important;padding-right: 150px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;padding-left: 150px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Existing Homes

Found your ideal location but aren’t sure about a house? Queensland House Removers has you covered. Our team of experienced professionals have the specialist equipment and know-how to bring your house and location together.

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Understanding the House Removal Process: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the House Removal Process: A Comprehensive Guide

Relocating a house is a significant endeavour that demands meticulous planning, professional…
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Brisbane Convoy for Kids | Queensland House Removals

Understanding the Costs Involved in House Relocation

Relocating a house is a unique and complex process that can be a more sustainable and…
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The Environmental Impact of House Relocation

In an era where sustainability is becoming increasingly important, the environmental impact of…
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Brisbane Convoy for Kids | Queensland House Removals

Brisbane Convoy for Kids

The Brisbane Convoy for Kids is an annual event featuring a convoy of trucks to raise funds for…
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The Marvel of House Moving Trucks

Moving houses can be a daunting and intricate task, requiring precision, expertise, and, of…
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Understanding the New Queensland Law on Secondary Dwellings

Housing costs have been rising faster than wages, making it difficult for many people –…
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